Saturday, March 17, 2012

It starts.

Here it goes. Here I am sitting at my computer, staring at the screen, thinking, do I really want to do this? I mean, it sounded like a great idea while I was bumbling around in the kitchen, baking cookies and talking to my passed-out baby. "A blog! I should start a blog, and people might read it, and think I am funny!"

Then I heard my own mother's voice in my head: You are your own best audience. And she's right. I know she's right. I make myself laugh more than I make anyone else laugh. So, am I really funny enough to entice people to read a blog? Really, I am just another blip on the innernets. What's special about me, that others would appreciate enough to stop and read what I have to say?

Guess that will have to wait. Mary's still in the kitchen, and she is now calling me. She's hungry, dammit, and WILL have her lunch!!

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